
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Advice

Sometimes when I am giving my kids advice about life I can actually hear my voice in my head saying hypocrite! How can I say things like; "Don't care about what others think about you, or Do what makes you happy and everything else will fall in to place" when I am such a fraud!

 I have dreamed of blogging projcts for a couple of years now, I even went so far as to start this blog to show my work, ( mainly to my sister in Vegas) and collect a portfolio of sorts to build a career later when all of my children leave home. But I never really made the time to make it work because I am paralized by the fear that my work is not good enough and that I have other more pressing things to deal with like when was the last time the baseboards were cleaned. It has to stop. I have to try, because as I told my 10 year old today we do not regret when we fail but we always regret when we don't try!
That being said third time is the charm on the blog. Fingers crossed!
These are custom curtains by myself that I loved for about a year but then got over them. I do get bored easily. My mother always loved the fabric so I re purposed them her for her kitchen and now she loves them. Cost of re purpose $0 and about 4 hours- mostly ripping them apart.