
Monday, September 22, 2014

Happiness Challenge Day 4

Happiness Challenge Day 4-

1. My jobs make me very happy. I am very lucky to be a professional hobbyist. Things most people squeeze in on the weekends I get to do all the time. I also really love that I don't have to do the same thing everyday. My part- time gig as a fitness instructor forces me to work out, which I never make time for in my free time , my part time job as a decorator  lets me shop with other peoples money (John likes this too), and my part time job as a seamstress/ designer lets me be creative.  It is a great balance and I am happy I never have to be bored.
2. I love the people in my  fitness classes. I love my seniors because they are wise and funny and reliable, coming to Yoga is the thing they are doing that day. I love my college kids because they are young and energetic and just starting out and their naivety entertains me  and I love my Pilates class because they keep me grounded and sane, they seriously save me a fortune in therapy and  I have developed some truly amazing friendships. I feel so happy to get to teach so many awesome people!
3.Being creative makes me happy, I love to make things that are unique and personal. I love that I excited looking at paint sample, like real heart racing excited, and I could spend the entire day in the fabric store. Sometimes on the weekends I sort through my fabric and paint  just to look at it and dream of what I am going to make with it. Maybe I will repaint that dresser or make a table runner out of that fabric. I just can't decide. I love the possibilities.

Happiness Challenge Day 3

Happiness Challenge- Day3

 1. I think music is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. I love music, all kinds of music and in my opinion nothing is better at changing your mood than music. Sometimes it makes you feel understood, sometimes it reminds you of another time, but when the blues come calling it is music that makes me happy the quickest, and when you have to do something your not excited about put on your favorite tunes and get that sh*t done!!


2. I am happy to have such a great family, saw my Mom and my baby sister today and being in the same space with them makes my heart lighter. That is the thing about family that is so amazing you don't even have to do anything, just seeing them lets you know you are loved!

3.Knowing we all have gifts make me happy, I am still not to the place where I feel I have fully recognized mine but when I see other peoples work I feel inspired to do better and to try harder. I went to the art fair this weekend and the level of talent was so tremendous, so many mediums, so much to choose from, I just want to create something beautiful now. On a side note the people watching was fantastic, for those of you that are in to that!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Happiness Challenge Day 2


Day 2- Happiness Challenge

1. Most of my happy things in my  life  can be traced to a single person. The love of my life  John, he has the best DNA a girl could ask for, makes the cutest baby girls  and has a work ethic that makes it possible to live a life of comfort and he  believes in me even when I doubt myself. He is my rock, my heart and he makes me laugh when I want to kill him! He is my lobster!

John and I have been to Hell and Back LOL

Hell, Grand Cayman 2013

2. I know it is  a bit shallow but I love my house. It brings me so much happiness. Isabelle learned to walk here, I have 12 years full of first day of school photos, it is big enough to hold all the people and small enough that we are never far apart.It is something John has worked so hard for me to have and I appreciate it . It is my favorite place to be and the memories make me smile.

3. My lazy , lazy lab mutts. Raven and Jasmine are the bane of my existence, they do nothing to contribute and constantly are underfoot, but they have loved us all unconditionally for 12 years and as long as they are here I always have a friend close by, probably right under my feet. Seeing them get so excited about the same food everyday racing through the hall for dinner makes me remember to appreciate the little things. And their little  gray beards remind me that time is passing quickly  so enjoy every day.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happieness Challenge

Every day I make excuses why I cannot post. Why I have no time - Why my work isn't good enough or original enough. And then an opportunity like this comes around and I think Wow.. I wish my blog was up!!! This could be a fun way for people to learn about me!! And then I though I thought what if I just made the decision to post anyway. Put it in the archives and start today. Even if it sucks at least it has been started. I will do better next time. SO here  goes!!!!

 I have been challenged by my mother to do the 7 day happiness challenge. 7 days - 3 things. I am a few days late as I have been super busy being happy.
Day 1
1. Alexis - By far one of the best things I have ever accomplished in my life. Being the mother of such a talented and driven daughter and watching her realize those dreams has brought me more joy than I could ever have imagined was possible. She is a great leader and yet she doesn't need to be the star to shine. She is a great daughter and she calls her mom everyday. And those calls make me so Happy!
2. Victoria - to be fair another amazing accomplishment -I have often said Victoria is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life and I know a lot of people. She is kind and smart and wise and so funny that sometime I wonder if she is ours. She keeps me in stitches and makes my heart smile.
3. Isabelle- Yes she is also a very great accomplishment! When you already have 2 amazing daughters you kind of feel bad for the third, how could she possible compare? But from the first moment we saw her she has been the glue that makes us all work. She is talented in a way none of us understand with a gifted mind and musical skill that never ceases to amaze. She is a good friend and a perfect blend of the best of her sisters. If Lex and Tori had a kid it would be Isabelle. She loves her Mommy and is very generous with her hugs and compliments and that makes me happy!
See you tomorrow! I am choosing to let you challenge yourself, If you haven't been happiness challenged and you think this would enrich your life I am challenging you