
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day 21

How many times have I looked at this mess and opted not to use something I wanted for fear of tackling this, our cord container. We have 5 people who live at our house. That is a whole bunch  of cords, chargers , and ear buds.
Simple fix. I am all about trying out a system before investing in it so at some point I may get fancier containers but for now I just wanted to see if anyone uses the system , then I can make it pretty.
Each Ziploc has the name of the item the chargers and jacks go to. Good to have when you have 5 camera's, ipods, and cell phones in one house.

 When you need your chargers etc. just grab the Ziploc and use what you need then put it back when you are done. The entire project took about 25 minutes and I can promise you it has been driving me nuts for at least a year! So simple and yet it is a big improvement. Fingers crossed it works, and the kids put things back when they are done. I will keep you up on the progress.

Go tackle something small in your house that always drives you nuts.

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