
Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 22

One of my objectives for this month was to clear out some unfinished projects and either do them or get rid of them. I am so excited about the progress I have made on that front and whereas the blogging part has been really hard for me because I am dog- butt tired after a day of projects and purging. I do not know enough about blogging yet for it to be able to do everything at the same time.
Here's my project progress!

 Several years ago I bought some uppercase vinyls at a school auction and since then they have been busy being moved from the desk to the table and back again. It is big trash week in the burbs  so as I was throwing out some scrap lumber I had an idea. What if I used that for the vinyls I keep moving around my house.  Voila seasonal decor for my house.

I had a halloween one too and a bunch of wine bottles I have been collecting for some pinterest project ideas. So yesterday I tried a few different spray paint / wine bottle crafts.
I never have my dining room , or any other room, really finished. I get ideas and then I loose focus and move on to the next thing so this room usually looks like a collection space but today it looks like a dining room . I love it !
The best part is that all of the supplies for all of these projects have been collecting dust in my office for ever and so my total cost was $2 for candy corn. Absolutely everything else was already here!
What decorating crafts have you been storing? Spend a day and get your craft on!

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